Thursday, October 10, 2024

Book Discussion: My Husband by Maud Ventura

 What parts of the narrators through processes did you relate to?

In what ways did you find the narrators viewpoint unreliable?

-“With the exception of my unexplained itching and my all-consuming passion for my husband,” she says, “my life is perfectly normal.” 

What were your initial thoughts of the husband? Was there a point when your feelings about him changed? Well, aside from the ending of course!

Why does the husband manipulate the wife?

Is she truly in love or just have an obsession?

In what ways does their relationship work?

-an obsessive mind is never satisfied

How did you feel about the ending? Was it effective? Would you have preferred the twist sooner in the story?

On page 34 she pretends her name is Grace while at the hairdressers and continues to keep up the rouse. What is her motivation for this?

What was her most cringy action or thought in the novel? What was her most egregious act?

What are the significance of the colors she chose for each day of the week?

Does the cover art make you want to pick the book up? Is it a good representation of the book? What else could have been on the cover?

On page 101 she quotes the philosopher Blaise Pascal "If we are always preparing to be happy, it is inevitable that we will never be so." How do you agree or disagree with that sentiment? Is the narrators preparations towards her husband what keep her happy.

This book has some similar relationship themes and dynamics to Annie Bot which we read over the summer. What are some similarities?

Why does the narrator cheat on her husband?