Friday, November 16, 2018

Book Discussion: Lion Boy by Louisa Young

Charlie states "everyday these days he was allowed to do new things: new things that showed they realized he was growing up. Last christmas hed been allowed to sell the shiny fruits at the market by himself. Parents can you remember when you first had that taste of independance. P36

Although "Lion Boy" takes place not far in the future, the world has changed drastically from the one we live in today. What types of changes have taken place? Do you think these kinds of things could happen? How would your life be different if the world became more like Charlie's

Charlie's mom has recently shaved an Adrinka symbol of two crocodiles sharing one belly into Charlie's hair. They symbol is "...about how, though we all eat with different mouths, we have only one belly between us." What do you think this means? Do you think the symbol has significance to the story?

Charlie must pack quickly when Rafi comes to get him. He packs some practical things like extra socks and food, and he packs comforting things, like his stuffed tiger. What kind of things would you pack if you had to leave quickly on an unknown journey?

Charlie often wishes that he didn't have the responsibility of finding his parents or helping the lions but he continues to move forward with is plans. Have you ever had to do something that you didn't want to do? How did you keep yourself motivated to continue?
Why do you think the author chose to use cats as the animal that Charlie can speak to? How do you think the story would change if Charlie had the ability to speak to a different animal?

The future-world scientists in Lionboy are skillful. They are able to create hybrid animals like Primo,
the unusual lion, by using ancient DNA. What if they had used their knowledge to create the perfect plant? This type of vegetation would be a single, natural resource capable of providing many things to make a polluted world a healthier and happier place.
Directions: Use your imagination to create a plant that is capable of providing positive things for environment and all living things. Be prepared to share your ideas with the class.  Unintended consequences are the unexpected and unplanned results of a decision or action.
Think of at least five unintended consequences that might result when a “perfect plant” is introduced into the environment.
Have you reac any other books like this?
Charlies parents are rumored to have created a cure for asthma. There is some debated that charlies parents were kidnapped because the drug manufacurers dont want a vacine because it dips into their profits. Do you think this is right? Does this happen in our society?
Do you think pharmasutical companies should profit off people being sick? Can you think of an alternative?

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