Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Book Discussion: After Birth by Elisa Albert


Women over time have fought hard to gain control over their bodies and the decisions surrounding their bodies ( abortion, birth control, elective surgery.) When it comes to birth does that all go out the window?

What is it that separates Ari from connecting with other women. Do you think women often find it difficult to find common ground with other women?

What are your thought on how the male characters were portrayed in the book?

What allows Mina and Ari to become fast friends.
        -Safe place to be vulnerable with each other

What fuels Ari's anger?

Ari is insensibly honest in the book. In our culture how do we praise or punish honest in people?

Did this novel read as the author's manifesto?

What are your thoughts on the way we treat birth in this country?

Mina describes what happened to Ari during her birth as rape, do you agree with that statement?