Wednesday, June 27, 2018

80's Trivia for Grown-ups

I did this team trivia night on a Thursday evening in April during National Library Week. We had our best turnout yet with 69 adults in attendance. This was one of my favorite trivia nights I have ever done because it was such an interesting mix of people. Unlike pop culture fandom trivia nights this evening brought together people who loved different aspects of the 1980's from movies, to music, fashion and cartoons. The spirits were high and the music round even inspired sing-alongs which I recorded and can be watched on my library's facebook page. 

This trivia night is pretty movie heavy because I figured film was a unifying topic that most people can appreciate. I could have created a dozen more rounds of trivia on different topics! It was actually quite a challenge to limit myself.

Below is the rounds and supporting documents you will need to run this trivia. I tend to make my trivia nights a little on the hard side which die-hards appreciate.

All correct answers are worth 1 point, no points for incorrect answers. Teams turn in their answer sheet for grading to judges after each round. Halftime scores announced during break after round 3. I always go over the answers from the previous round before I start a new one. Instant gratification and all.

Grading Sheet
Team Table Signs

ROUND 1: Name that TV Show or Movie
Questions you read
Blank Answer sheet for teams
In this round you will read a brief synopsis (found on IMDB mostly) of a movie or TV (at the end.) Teams will write down what show to film you are referring to. Read each twice through.

ROUND 2: Name that Robot or VHS Tape
Powerpoint with answers
Answers for judge
Blank worksheet for teams
A ton of fun! The worksheet looks great printed on 11x17 paper too. Han
d out the worksheet and have teams write in either the name of the robot or the name of the movie. The robots are famous 80's robots
or androids. The VHS tapes I took images of tape covers and photo-shopped the title out. Teams had a blast with this round because they could talk as a team to figure things out and it was more visual/hands-on as opposed to just listening. When you go over the answers you can use the powerpoint and the answers are filled in there. There is also a text only answer key for the judges.

ROUND 3: Mondo Mix Tape
Powerpoint with questions (sound bites built in)
Blank answer sheet for teams
My favorite round! I used Wavepad Sound Editor to clip mp3 songs into 20 second clips. I tried to crop the song at a chorus so it was more recognizable. Open the Powerpoint and each audio file is embedded into the screen. Play each once through and then ask if anyone wanted any a second time at the end of the round. Teams write down the band, don't need the name of the song. Don't be alarmed if teams starting singing along!

ROUND 4: Traditional Trivia
Questions you read
Blank answer sheet for teams
This is what you think of when someone says trivia night. A real m
ixed bag of questions. The Stephen King question really threw people! You read the question 2x through and the teams write the answers.

ROUND 5: Movie Dialog
Questions/Script for readers
Blank answer sheet for teams 
In the beginning of the evening have these printed out and collect them at
the break. Put them in a basket and during this round you will have Reader A, B, or C read the script/dialog from a film. If their name is called to read they earn 1 bonus point for their team. You can have them read twice or once if you are short on time. This is always a good time and gets the audience up and out of their seat. The teams will listen to the volunteers read the lines of dialog and write down the name of the film which it is from.

You can see from the photos here that I got a mixture of vintage 80's prizes off Etsy and newer replicas from I made 3 piles of prizes and first place got to choose their pile first and so on down the line.

Best costume won a Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutles Chia Pet

Best Team Name (Skeletor's Legwarmers) won fishnet gloves for their whole team

Last place team won the pictured t-shirt clips. I had a lady from the audience show us how you use them and funny enough the team that won them was all men! I always give a prize to last place as it keeps all the teams from leaving early and is always good for a laugh.

The team names that my creative patrons came up with: Weird Science, Skeletor's Legwarmers, ThunderPuss, Malachi Crunch, The Breakfast Club, L-Squared, Member Berries, Mutually Assured Instruction, Masters of the Universe, The Goonies, Hey You Guys!, Tiff and the Holograms, Back to the Fu-Trivia, The Brat Pack, 13% Attitude, Baby's Corner, the Outsiders, Cat Memes


  1. How long was your trivia? How long where each round? Did you have a break in between rounds? - Katie-

    1. The entire thing takes about 2 hours with a 10 minute break in the middle. I don't have the data as to how long each round took. Some were longer than others.
