Thursday, January 11, 2024

Book Discussion: Forager: Field Notes for Surviving a Cult by Michelle Dowd

 What did you think of the format of the book? The way plant knowledge is interspersed at the beginning of each chapter.

Were there any parts of the story that you wished were more fleshed out?

Do you read many memoirs?

What did you think of the bible passages throughout the story? Why did the author choose to include them if she grew to reject her religion?

What do you think the reasons are for Michelle's mother to treat her the way she did? Withhold affections, etc. Do you think she loved her children?

Michelle's mother gives her the advise at a young age of how to deal with a man who is making unwanted sexual advances/violence. Her advise is to act friendly and your friendliness will disarm him. Later as a teen she puts this into practice to avoid sexual violence from a clients husband. (chocolate bar and boy who licks her face.) What is some other questionable life lessons or advise her mother gave her?

Her father does not play a very large role in the book. What is the reason for that? How was Michelle's relationship to her father?

Who are some characters in the book who supported Michelle and helped her grow as a person?

On page 52 she states " plants appear in your life at the time you need their healing powers." Does this resonate with you? Have you ever experienced something in your own life showing up just when you need it?

How are children utilized in The Field?

What survival skill/plant fact did you learn that you hadn't known before?

On page 113 she states "Men don't get sent away when they're violent. Hurting people is something men are entitled to, because they are created to rule." Do you think this is true? How does our society allow this kind of abuse of power?

What are the expectations of men and women at The Field?

What was the most heartbreaking moment in the book?

What are some glaring moments of hypocracy in the book?

In the end of the book Michelle tells her sister about her outing in town and going out to the movies and dinner with a former Field member. This results in her getting excommunicated. Why do you think she told her sister about that night?

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